



upon on launching our podcast brand in 2023 we decided to take a radically different approach than what we’d seen others do when it came to building a spirit-led business.

There was a divine calling to listen to our intuition over any and all outside noise. Today, we’re known as trailblazers in the spiritual space because we’ve mastered co-creation, surrender, channeling, and aligning our actions with divine flow to bring our vision to life in a way that feels effortless yet powerful.

We made the conscious choice to surrender control so that we could fully trust our soul’s to lead the way. Through the rapid growth and expansion of our vision, it became abundantly clear that leading from the heart was the secret sauce to making sh*t happen.

We’ve become masters at moving the needle forward while we sleep, meaning, we take big action during the day while consciously curating our frequency to a be a match for our desires. This is how we’ve built the global podcast community and brand we have — by mastering the actions and energetics of the New Paradigm and fully believing in our work.

This is what you’re here to experience: not just doing… but Being. Give yourself an entire energetic makeover that turns you into a magnet for you desires, goals, and dreams. This container is going to unlock a level of reality where flow state, creativity, and magnetism are innate to you.

You know what you want. You know what you’re meant to do. Now let’s become the you that has it all.

We created this sacred container to support you in embodying your highest vision while not just being guided through it, but having access to the modalities and knowledge that change the whole experience.

This is for the one ready to go all in. Your intuition is loud and clear: you have a mission, a purpose, and it wants to BE SHARED.

Now let’s make it happen… when? In the NOW.

a 3-month 1:1 coaching container for you to...

  • limitations be gone. it's time to unleash

  • get the f out of the waiting room

  • align with the reason you came here



meet your guides.

Hi fam! I’m Nikki, your expansion coach here to guide you towards the embodiment of your highest being. Let me start by sharing that I know exactly what it feels like to not be in your power because I too spent a majority of my life a victim to anxiety, self doubt, and self sabotaging behavior. I felt lost, unfulfilled, and found myself consistently hitting up against walls. I couldn’t understand why I could have so many conscious desires but yet I was constantly at war with my own mind and remained stuck feeling powerless and hopeless. It felt like I was living the same undesirable reality on repeat with no way of escape.

After going through a heavy dark night of the soul, I began to turn inwards and see the potential to change my own reality. From this, my soul led me into a path of inner freedom through subconscious healing work. I knew this work was powerful when after 3 months of working with my own coach, my entire life began to change. Not only did I access deeper states of peace but I also began to tap into an inner strength and power that allowed me to finally take action and shift into my highest, most soul-aligned timeline. I couldn't believe the answer I was looking for this entire time laid right in between my own two eyes...and better yet...within my own being.

At the time I was already coaching as a personal development coach but from there I felt the calling to integrate these teachings of subconscious liberation and spiritual expansion into my practice. I invested time and resources to study with mentors and coaches who then taught me the skills necessary to help others on this path. A kind of learning that fills my heart and soul with deepest levels of presence and joy.

Fast forward 2 years later, I have now sat in countless hours of coaching calls where I guide clients to experience deep breakthroughs from their own subconscious limitations. I have witnessed countless clients go from scared and fearful to powerful and limitless, from lost and unfulfilled to deeply aligned with their life path. The reality shifts I have witness have been nothing short of magical. I am constantly in awe with just how powerful we truly are when we turn inwards and address the subconscious limitations that are blocking us from our innate wholeness. This work is my purpose and I honor to help as many people as I can unlock their true potential, access their authentic power, and shift into their highest timeline.

Hey you!! I’m Bella, an ever-curious, walking exclamation point heaven-bent on embodying wisdom, enjoying my life, and teaching others the profound spiritual lessons that have changed me forever.

I’ve been a creative soul since I landed Earth-side, following my instincts and intuition toward the Awakening that brought me back to myself and the Truth: All is one and I have been divinely crafted by a beautiful Universal Life Force that is always conspiring in my favor. Those are some powerful words and I am here to live by them as best I can.

But before I got to this place of embodying my creative genius and cocreating my dream reality… I felt like I was grinding and hustling to no avail. Like all that action wasn’t really “working.”

I was once plagued by self-doubt and limiting beliefs that tainted the energetic signature of my actions. I ignored my intuition and allowed too many external voices to tell me what to do. I know exactly what it feels like to see your vision, but feel like it’s so damn far away. Then came the shift. The moment everything changed and I realized it was time to fully trust my vision, my Self, AND my inner guidance system. It is through the relentless pursuit of my highest calling and listening to my inner Authority that I have become fulfilled, aligned, and full of LIFE. By masterfully combining energetics with big action, I do the damn thing AND feel in flow. And now…

I write, speak, teach, and mentor to expand fellow Souls like you on the path to being who you truly are, tapping into your innate wisdom, and FORGING YOUR OWN DAMN PATH with full trust, confidence, and individuality. You were literally MADE for this. You were born with the full capacity to create whatever you want to create. This work has blessed me with the privilege to witness other souls’ perfection and to hold clients up to the standard of their true Self. A Self that is unstoppable.

By blending the modalities and tools of Human Design, breathwork, and creativity, I’ll lovingly shake you awake to the divinity within while setting a high standard of authentic embodiment, inspiring you to actualize your highest potential.


  • No more second-guessing how you're supposed to do things. Tap into your custom blueprint that shows you how to make decisions, attract opportunities, speak, express, navigate challenges, and more.

    Become a master of your energy and Human Design.

  • Feel like certain habits and patterns are holding you back? Release them once and for all through the life-changing work of subconscious healing. Experience what it's like to shift and release old stories and identities so you can make room for the true you to shine.

  • Take your intuition to the next level by learning how to channel ideas and get into a flow state. Creativity will flow effortlessly as you learn to co-create with the field and even use your Human Design to fast track toward creative genius.

    Plus, Nikki & Bella will use their channels to support you along the entire journey providing crystal clear guidance that resonates on a soul level.

  • What would it be like to be both seen AND felt? To share your voice with ease and courage? Watch aligned people, places, and opportunities come to you through your authentic expression.

    And of course, work through any triggers, blocks, and fears that come up as you stretch into expansion.

  • Don't just feel the frequency, become it. Be the one in your vision by attuning your Self to that version of you and expanding your nervous system's capacity for challenge. Soften into a supportive space to heal and release what no longer serves you.


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the timeline drops in when you become the being that can hold it.


can you feel it?

The single most important thing you could ever work on is your consciousness. As a coach, this is the most profound moment to witness:

When your eyes light up, your body softens, and your aura becomes aligned with who you really are.

To tend to your consciousness as the garden which holds all possibilities… that is the work. That is the beauty of what we’ll do together.

When you step into this container with Nikki and Bella, you will be held and supported in a way that resonates with your soul. You’ll be catapulted into a world where you can create absolutely anything. Where nothing is out of reach and you get to create anything you desire.

We’re passionate about this work because it has caused mind-blowing shifts in our own worlds. We’re determined to remind you that you can literally move mountains — and we’re going to be with you every step of the way.

This is an opportunity to say yes to Life. To say yes to the true you. To say yes to the leap of faith that could change everything. Put your hand on your heart, take a deep breath… Are you ready to create your dream reality?

If the answer is yes… You’re in the right place. Apply now.

you will not leave this journey the same way you began it. you’ll be the walking embodiment of a heart-led, badass, divine creator.

you are ready

TO no longer live in the reality of “trying.”

IT’S TIME to enter into the reality of



the highest version of you.


how do I know if I’m truly ready?

You will know in your heart that even if you don’t feel fully ready, you know it’s time to GET ready. To walk through the fire and flex your trust muscle. You’ll know this is for you when you’ve seen and felt the vision but want to actually BECOME the one who creates it.

do you both coach me?

You can preview the call structure here, but yes, this container will include a mix of alternating 1:1 sessions with Bella and Nikki, as well as 2:1 sessions with both the gals present. This container is tactfully designed to bring together Bella and Nikki’s individual gifts as well as their collective guidance.

What stage of my journey should I be on to be a fit for this?

We’re here to support you when you’re done forcing and ready to flow. That could mean you’ve been working toward your vision for months or years, or just starting to take it seriously! This is for the soul ready to show up big and take things to the next level, no matter where you’re standing now!

What can I expect the coaching calls to be like?

Nikki & Bella are both heart-led, intuitive coaches that will let each session unfold in a custom manner. That said, we also have a program plan (see here) that will range from traditional coaching session to intuitive healings, energy readings, guided meditations, and more. Expect to be led with compassion, motivation, and empowerment.

Are the session plans set in stone?

The structure is set as a guide for what we know to be a successful roadmap for expansion and transformation, but we leave room for adaption and customization based on your needs throughout the container.

How does it work with scheduling the calls?

You will schedule your sessions with us during the first call and have a preset calendar. We will of course be able to reschedule if any conflict or circumstances arise.