OOOM Activations are powerful gateways into specific, desired energetic states. Think of them as mini-courses, but far more potent—they are frequency enhancers designed to elevate and amplify your energy in a specific way. 

activations vault

Experience life changing shifts in less than 2 hours.

These activations will do just that, ACTIVATE your highest frequency and anchor you into what you desire to create. This is where you become a Master of the Game, co-creating your reality and continuously expanding your inner power.

Ready to step into your most powerful, aligned and magnetic Self? You’re in the right place.



Is there a part of your soul that is ready to break free? Are you ready to completely liberate yourself into a timeline of radical self expression? Activate authenticity was created for the being who wants to understanding the energetics of authenticity, what subconsciously blocks us from being authentic, and how to apply these teachings into their own expansion.

  • Drop into a simple yet powerful way of understanding authenticity and its' role in creating a soul aligned life. Then, sink into a transformative lesson on the subconscious and what blocks us from showing up as our authentic selves.

  • Immerse yourself in these 10 transformative journal prompts, crafted to uncover and dissolve the subtle subconscious beliefs that have been holding you back. Then, get ready to dissolve limiting subconscious beliefs and elevate your consciousness into a timeline of freedom and radical self-expression with a powerful quantum healing meditation. This meditation will free you from the subtle yet powerful perceptions that keep you from being YOU.

  • Take it home with a life-changing lesson on neutralizing your expectations around authenticity, a bonus breathwork practice to build resilience, and a 30-Day authenticity challenge!

One time
For 2 months

Step into the transformative journey of Activate Authenticity. This mini course is a portal designed to align your mind, body, and soul with the highest frequency of your true self. Prepare to embark on a path that will guide you to uncover who you really are. Each aspect of this journey is carefully crafted to resonate with the energies of love and light. Are you ready to activate your authenticity and transform your life?

✓ 2 Powerful Channeled Lessons on Authenticity
✓ Subconscious Clearing Meditation
✓ 30-Day Challenge for Acitvating Authenticity
✓ [BONUS] Nervous System Expansion: Breath Practice


Feel like you’re forcing and controlling the how? Get ready to open your mind and heart to a totally new way of operating. Align yourself with the laws of the Universe and watch how you can create your desires through infinite possibility while feeling ease and joy as you take action.

One time
For 2 months

Discover the true essence of surrender and how it aligns with the natural laws of the universe. By understanding the deeper dynamics of energy, intention, and belief, you'll learn to release control and embrace a flow state where possibilities are limitless. Get ready to embody the most empowered version of surrender yet!

✓ Channeled Lesson on Surrender fusing Science & Spirit
✓ Surrender Activation Meditation (Breath & Sound Journey)
✓ Embodiment Ritual for Activating Limitless Potentials
  • Unlock a totally new understanding of surrender through quantum physics and limitless potentials. Release the how and align with the best possible outcome.

  • Bring your entire Being into the frequency of surrender through a powerful breath, sound, and visualization journey designed to activate surrender from within and inspire you to trust.

  • Take the frequency of surrender into your day to day life with a high energy practice to train your mind into "what if" energy.