
balance, patience, surrender, rethink your power, plans


This card in its reversed state is trying to tell you to surrender, take a beat, and remember to find balance. Perhaps you have been working toward your purpose and mission but feeling a little frazzled, or even burnt out. Source wants you to assess which side of the scale you are leaning into too far… Flow or form? Outer world or inner world?

Can you try to balance the scales and acknowledge that a) this journey is innately filled with ups and downs and b) clarity arrives when we surrender and become open to it.

You have made such great strides. You are already on the path and doing what you need to do. So the question is, can you balance logic and intuition to reveal your next step? Can you bring intuition where logic has taken over, and logic to where emotions have taken over! Balance. We need both sides.

This upright reading of this card also feels relevant for you… Reminding you that patience is key. Show up every day, do one small thing every day, and before you know it, momentum will have built up into an unstoppable force that is you!! Temperance can signify discipline and devotion, too.

All of this is pointing the direction of you surrendering to divine timing, catching yourself when you fall off balance, and trusting that all is unfolding as is needed. Clarity is coming. It’s going to drop in as soon as you exhale fully.